BOARD’s awarded design for the House of Arts and Culture in Beirut, Lebanon entitled “Free Space” is published in Future Arquitecturas’ China Edition #2. This proposal caught the attention of the jury with its playful and engaging imagery. It was easily imagined full of life and encouraging cultural engagement of all sectors of society with […]
Bernd Upmeyer is guest critic at Tilburg’s Academie voor Architectuur en Stedenbouw in the spring term 2011’s research course entitled “God Save Architecture” led by Beatriz Ramo. “God Save Architecture” aims to develop critical assessments of today’s most dangerous clichés, assumptions, and demagoguery in the field of architecture.
Despite the current urgency to deal with the enormous potential of the already existing urban material as Urban Editors, there seems still to be an enormous lack of interest in topics such as urban and architectural restoration, preservation, renovation, redevelopment, renewal or adaptive reuse of old structures among architects and urban designers. But ignorance in […]
From March 3 until March 5 BOARD’s “Atree?” project can be seen at Salon Ecobat in Paris. “Atree?” was one of 22 finalists of 336 submitted projects for the European Competition of Architecture, Design, Realisations in Eco and Agro-Materials.
“Atree?” has been published in issue #712 of the weekly cultural supplement “D” of the Italian daily newspaper la Repubblica. La Repubblica is the second largest Italian daily general-interest newspaper with a circulation of 556.325 copies.
MONU #10 and #11 has been featured as “cool & strange” in the issue #6 2010 of the Korean edition of ELLEgirl.
When John Lennon was photographed by the legendary rock ‘n’ roll photographer Bob Gruen, wearing a New York City T-shirt in the year 1974, he proudly expressed his love for the city of New York. For Lennon, although born in Liverpool, New York City was without doubt the most valuable city…continue reading at
BOARD’s project “Paradise City” is currently exhibited at the Ludwig Forum in Aachen, Germany. Paradise City was one of BOARD’s first projects and has been created together with STAR – strategies + architecture . The exhibiton, entitled “West Arch – a new generation in architecture” , opened on September 12 and will run until November […]
MONU Magazine on Urbanism has been invited to be on display at the Baltimore Book Festival in Maryland, USA from September 24-26, 2010. The festival will take place in the historic and picturesque Mount Vernon Place. MONU will be part of an exhibition called “Creative Control”, a collection of zines, self-published and independent art books […]
MONU Magazine on Urbanism #12 on “Real Urbanism” is being exhibited at “la casa encendida” in Madrid, Spain. The exhibition entitled “de zines”, curated by Roberto Vidal and Oscar Martín, features independent publications (magazines, fanzines, artbooks and others). Around 400 international works are shown from June 29th, 2010 throughout all the summer.
Entrance of Fontys Academy of Architecture Bernd Upmeyer is guest critic for the graduate studies at the Fontys Academy of Architecture and Urbanism in Tilburg, Netherlands.
As one of 22 finalists of 336 submitted projects for the European Competition of Architecture, Design, Realisations in Eco and Agro-Materials, BOARD’s awarded entry entitled “ATREE?” has been exhibited in the Chantilly Castle in France. Imagine a project that does not need to be constructed, because – being a tree – it grows by itself. […]
BOARD’s ME(U)TROZONE study has been published in the 4th volume of the Internationale Bauausstellung (International Building Exhibition) entitled Metropolis: Metrozones. As transitional areas between different parts of a city, metrozones are without doubt closely related to the transit routes that link entire cities with one another… Find out more about this study in Research.
Bernd Upmeyer has been interviewed by the Portuguese Contemporary Architecture and Art Magazine arqa. arqa: Given your interest in radical urban research and your activity as editor of MONU magazine, how would you interpret the situation and the current relations between architecture and the global market? Bernd Upmeyer: In an increasingly interconnected world and ever- […]
Bernd Upmeyer will lecture about the work of BOARD and the study “E80” on binational urbanism in particular at the HafenCity University Hamburg on May 25, 19:00.
BOARD’s proposal has been selected out of 336 projects for the final phase of the European Competition of Architecture, Design, Realisations in Eco and Agro-Materials organized by Region Picardie and the Free State of Thueringen.
Bernd Upmeyer will start teaching as adjunct professor at the Urban Design Department at the HafenCity University Hamburg. In the coming summer semester he will conduct a seminar at the Department of Urban Design entitled “Most Valuable Cities”.
Just like the “Ideal Woman” on the cover of this issue on Real Urbanism – a sculpture by the Brooklyn based artist Tony Matelli – most of our cities are shaped by a particular set of values… find out more about this issue in Monu.
MONU magazine will be exhibited during the “Bookmark Nagoya” event in the city of Nagoya, Japan. The exhibition will take place from March 20th to April 20th 2010. More than 50 organizations will exhibit rare publications, vintage books, magazines, picture books from around the world. Various conferences with editors and writers take place, as well […]
MONU Magazine on Urbanism will be exhibited during the TOKYO DESIGN WEEK from October 30th to November 3rd 2009 inside the main venue of the 100% DESIGN TOKYO hall. The Magazine Library space will be in the center of the main venue.
Do we simply have to stop having sex to produce Clean Urbanism…? Find out more about this issue in Monu.
The “A Few Zines” show has been in New York and Boston, and is now coming to Los Angeles. The LA Forum hosts the insta-show for three days on Hollywood Blvd. The festivities kick off Friday, August 14 with a panel discussion and opening party.
BOARD’s competition entry “Free Space” for the International Architecture Competition for the House of Arts and Culture in Beirut, Lebanon has been selected out of more than 400 entries and won an honourable mention. The prize-winning design will be exhibited during the award-winning ceremony in April in Beirut.
BOARD’s proposal entitled “241” has been selected out of 466 entries in the Open International Ideas Competition Building for Bouwkunde for the second round and is being exhibited at the NAi exhibition Building for Bouwkunde from March 15, 2009 – June 7, 2009. The jury reports: “This entry is an intelligent and simple project, featuring […]
MONU Magazine on Urbanism has been selected from magazines around the world to be exhibited from March 5 to March 14, 2009 in a temporary magazine library in the Omotesando Hills building complex in Tokyo, Japan. MONU will be part of the MOOH event: “The Magazine of Omotesando Hills Library”.
BOARD’s proposal entitled “Public Section” wins a purchase prize in the International Design Competition for the New Building for the Estonian Academy of Art in Tallinn, Estonia.
BOARD has been suggested as one of the “Top Ten emerging offices under 40″ in the Netherlands by NIB (New Italian Blood) in collaboration with Hans Ibelings and the A10 Magazine.
BOARD’s proposal for the two-stage International Architectural Design Competition for the New Headquarters for the Wexford County Council in Ireland has been selected for the second stage and as one of the 6 finalists.
BOARD (Bureau of Architecture, Research, and Design) is founded by Bernd Upmeyer as an architecture firm that is based on multidisciplinarity and active in many fields: as an architecture and urban design practice, as a research board and as a platform for comparative analysis on urban issues through its bi-annual journal MONU – Magazine on […]