25-06-24 // IGLOO

Cover of igloo #220

The Bucharest-based igloo architecture magazine featured MONU in their issue #220 as an experimental architecture magazine that inspired them by proposing a different discourse having become a graphic and editorial manifesto. The feature includes an interview entitled “MONU: 20 Years of Independent Thinking” with Bernd Upmeyer.

MONU’s issues #1 and #36 juxtaposed in igloo #220

20 de ani de gândire independentă (20 Years of Independent Thinking)

Title: igloo architecture magazine, #220
Contribution: MONU: 20 Years of Independent Thinking
Author: MONU, Bernd Upmeyer
Date: June, 2024
Publisher: igloomedia
Location: Bucharest, Romania
ISSN: 1583-7688
Pages: 112-115