La Pensée by Auguste Rodin, ca. 1895 In the winter term 2021/22 Bernd Upmeyer teaches architectural theory as Adjunct Professor at the Peter Behrens School of Arts in Düsseldorf. Institution: Peter Behrens School of Arts Course: Architectural theory Position: Adjunct Professor Date: October 2021 Location: Düsseldorf, Germany
An Atlas of Commoning exhibition in Berlin. Image credit: Simone Gilges Bernd Upmeyer is guest critic at the Urban Design Studio thesis proposal review on Thursday, December 17, 2020 at the School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US. The “Commoning the City Studio” is structured as a year-long Urban Design thesis from which […]
La bulle, an occupation by VZW Toestand Bernd Upmeyer is external examiner of the International Master Dissertation projects of students at the Faculty of Architecture at KU Leuven in Belgium. The jury is scheduled on Wednesday June 19 at the campus in Ghent and on Thursday June 20, 2019 at the campus in Brussels. Institution: […]
Presentation of the “MArch Studio” Bernd Upmeyer is guest critic at the final reviews at the Academy of fine Arts Vienna on Tuesday the 25. June from 9:30-16:30 (R208). The reviewed “MArch Studio”, entitled “Collaborative Cities: Prototypes for the Sharing Economy”, is led by Stefan Gruber. Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Course: Collaborative Cities: […]
Bernd Upmeyer leads, together with Beatriz Ramo from STAR, an international workshop organized by the Polish Architecture Association “SARP” in the city of Katowice from July 2 – 4, 2012. The workshop focused on “Ligota” a district of Katowice. Institution: Polish Architecture Association Course: Ligota Organizer: SARP Type: International workshop Position: Tutor Date: July 2012 […]
AnarCity Paris Bernd Upmeyer is guest critic at Berlage Institute’s ANARCITY© Midyear Presentation on 5 April 2012, and the Final Presentation on June 1, 2012. Tutors: Winy Maas with Felix Madrazo, Daliana Suryawinata, Jeroen Zuidgeest “This first-year postgraduate research studio investigates and designs the anarchistic city, a city without governance and collectivity, a city without […]
Bernd Upmeyer is guest critic at Tilburg’s Academie voor Architectuur en Stedenbouw in the spring term 2011’s research course entitled “God Save Architecture” led by Beatriz Ramo. “God Save Architecture” aims to develop critical assessments of today’s most dangerous clichés, assumptions, and demagogy in the field of architecture. Institution: Academy of Architecture and Urban Design […]
Bernd Upmeyer is guest critic for the graduate studies at the Fontys Academy of Architecture and Urbanism in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Institution: Academy of Architecture and Urban Design Tilburg Course: Graduation project presentation Type: Graduate studies Position: Guest critic Date: June 2010 Location: Tilburg, NL
World’s worst cities to live in, ©BOARD Bernd Upmeyer is teaching as adjunct professor at the Urban Design Department at the HafenCity University Hamburg. In the summer term he is conducting a seminar at the Department of Urban Design entitled “Most Valuable Cities”. Institution: HafenCity University Hamburg Course: Most Valuable Cities Department: Department of Urban […]
Bernd Upmeyer is a visiting lecturer in Visual Communication at the Academy of Architecture and Urban Design in Rotterdam. Institution: Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design Course: Visual Communication Tutor: Martijn van den Ban Type: Theoretical seminar Position: Visiting lecturer Date: November 2008 Location: Rotterdam, NL
Final presentation of “The Beauty Project” in July 2007 Bernd Upmeyer teaches an architectural design course at the University Kassel in Germany. Institution: University of Kassel Course: The Beauty Project Department: Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning Type: Design project Position: Assistant professor Date: April 2007 Location: Kassel, Germany
Exhibition of the “5000 Years Brutal Urbanism” timeline at the end of the summer term 2006 in Kassel In the summer term of 2006 Bernd Upmeyer teaches a theoretical seminar entitled “5000 Years Brutal Urbanism” at the University Kassel in Germany. The result of this seminar is published in MONU Magazine’s issue #5 on “Brutal […]
The “Neustadt” project is exhibited at the University of Kassel Bernd Upmeyer teaches an urban design course at the University Kassel in Germany. Institution: University of Kassel Course: Neustadt Department: Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning Type: Urban design project Position: Assistant professor Date: April 2006 Location: Kassel, Germany
Project presentation Bernd Upmeyer teaches an architectural design course at the University Kassel in Germany. Institution: University of Kassel Course: Denied Urbanism Department: Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning Type: Design project Position: Assistant professor Date: October 2005 Location: Kassel, Germany
In the seminar room In the winter term of 2005/06 Bernd Upmeyer teaches a theoretical seminar entitled “Ex Gas Stations” at the University Kassel in Germany. The results of this seminar are published in MONU Magazine’s issue #4 on “Denied Urbanism”. Pages 10 and 11 of MONU’s issue #4 Pages 12 and 13 of MONU’s […]
“Supersuburbia” on page 59 of MONU’s issue #3 In the summer term of 2005 Bernd Upmeyer teaches a theoretical seminar entitled “Supersuburbia” at the University Kassel in Germany. Parts of the results of this seminar are published in MONU Magazine’s issue #3 on “Political Urbanism”. Pages 60 and 61 “We got a new city form. […]
Exhibition of the “Wildnis Kassel” research project in the Framework Gallery in Berlin in August 2005 Bernd Upmeyer leads a research studio entitled “Wildnis Kassel” at the University Kassel in Germany. Some results of this studio are published in the article “Middle Class Desires” in MONU Magazine’s issue #2 on “Middle Classs Urbanism”. “The German […]
Architectural prototype for population scenario I Bernd Upmeyer leads a research studio at the University Kassel in Germany. In the studio architectural prototypes are delevoped that react to possible future population developments of the city of Kassel. Architectural prototype for population scenario II Architectural prototype for population scenario III Architectural prototype for population scenario IV […]