Dante Alighieri in La Divina Commedia Illumina Firenze, by Domenico di Michelino (1417–1491) Martyrs of the Past All sites of the world are born in original sin, and may only be redeemed by becoming World Heritage Sites. Yet we come to salvation through suffering, and once out of purgatory these martyrs should shine a light […]
The concept of ‘Communal Living’ has been present in various forms over the last 25 centuries. It has pursued different objectives: grouping together people with the same ideology, improving housing conditions for workers, providing a larger number of homes in times of housing crises, be-coming a ‘social condenser’ and bringing people closer to a ‘socialist’ […]
25 unfinished buildings on 6 continents “Unfinishedness” is probably most strikingly represented in works of art. Just think of the Non finito-sculptures of Michelangelo made in the Renaissance-period that paid tribute to the theory of Plato that no work of art might ever completely resemble its heavenly counterpart. Michelangelo’s sculptures inspired the Non finitos of […]
This research project on communal living created “A ‘Common’ Day” in the life of Pierre Grenouille, 35, Publicist, living in Paris, married to Myriam, and father of 2 children: Karim and Marie. “Sharing” has become part of the daily routine of everybody’s life, which is mostly ‘common’. ‘Our’ bike, ‘our’ car, ‘our’ office… are already […]
Speculated Location of the Garden of Eden, Image in circle: Part of the Garden of Eden as depicted in the first or left panel of Hieronymus Bosch’s ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’ Triptych. ©BOARD This scientific study examines the urban way of living of people that start living in a second city in a second […]
This research project entitled “The Interior of the Metropolis” by BOARD and STAR – strategies + architecture is the third part of an ongoing research for the AIGP – Atelier International du Grand Paris. It was presented and delivered in June 2015. The project focuses on the territory of the habitat and the “Interior of […]
This project entitled “The Legend of Grand Paris, or How Paris Became Great” was realized by STAR – strategies + architecture and BOARD as the second part of an ongoing research for the AIGP – Atelier International du Grand Paris, in the framework of «Systèmes Métropolitains». It was presented and delivered in September 2013. The […]
Since 2012 BOARD is part of the group, led by STAR, that has been chosen as one of the new six teams of architects and urban planners appointed by the Atelier International Grand Paris (AIGP) to be part of the Scientific Committee for the mission: Grand Paris: pour une métropole durable. This project “Co-Residence: Habiter […]
The main question of this project was: who actually owns and who rents the land and the buildings, the “Real Estates”, in a city, and in particular the city of Rotterdam. And to what kind of “Fictional States” do the ownership and tenancies possibly lead. How do “Real Estates” influence the character of a city […]
Just as bigamists marry a second time before their existing marriages are dissolved, binational urbanists start life in a second city located in another nation, without having said good-bye to their first city. Thus, binational urbanism is a particular form of transnationalism, a phenomenon which in sociology results from social interactions across national borders. In […]
As transitional areas between different parts of a city, metrozones are without doubt closely related to the transit routes that link entire cities with one another. As with the regions along transit routes, we are largely familiar with metrozones from travelling through them and they are usually perceived in the background from the car, aircraft, […]
Rotterdam as a Facebook City Just like the original Facebook itself, Facebook City will be a social networking service and website. But in contrast to Facebook, Facebook City will focus on potential architectural and urban projects in general, and on architectural restoration, preservation, renovation, redevelopment, and adaptive reuse projects of existing, but unoccupied urban structures […]
This project developed a strategy for vacant public buildings and in particular for empty prisons in the Netherlands. The country currently has 64 operational prisons, spread throughout the country. But the Dutch government decided to close eight of these prisons between 2009 and 2012. Thus, the main question of this project was: what should be […]
Austria held the presidency of the European Union in the first semester of 2006. For this occasion the Austrian government decided to take the exhibition ¨The image of Europe¨, an exhibition that provides a history of European political representation, diagrams Europe’s political current structure and speculates on its possible futures. Title: The Image of Europe […]