3m-high living room with kitchen, ©Ossip Architectuur Fotografie The Cabanon is a fully equipped apartment of 6.89m² including an infrared sauna and a whirlpool bath. It hosts four rooms and it is most likely the smallest apartment in the world; certainly the smallest with a spa. The inside dimensions of the Cabanon are H: 3 […]
View from the audience space of the Holzmarkt in Berlin during an evening performance Eisfabrik We propose to use the existing machines of the ice-making factory on the opposite bank of the Spree river in Berlin to produce a floating stage out of block ice pieces. Block Ice Block ice is typically 20cm wide and […]
View of the square from the southeast in the evening Plan of the square 3 Elements To create a unique square as a work of art, where the inhabitants of the “Kraanbolwerk” site, but also its visitors, can feel at home and meet, talk, cook, eat, warm up, and play, we propose to add 3 […]
View of the geothermal power station in Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris To highlight the industrial heritage of the site and to make the beauty of the technical processes that happen inside of the geothermal station comprehensible and visually accessible to by-passers, we propose to dress the building entirely in glass. In this way the building gets in […]
In order to create an open-air theatre in the ruins of the so-called “Keldermanspoort” in the Dutch city of Hulst that is accessible and visible from several directions, we propose a round stage. Within a radius of 32m, within which important movements are still visible and recognizable, we propose different permanent and temporary seating for […]
A chair called MARI and a stool named LYN In financially difficult times we have to be innovative when it comes to spending money on objects for daily use, such as seats and office furniture. Thus we designed two very simple and very affordable pieces of furniture that can be self-built within just a few […]
Model of the multifunctional office and hotel room The clients were on a very tight budget but had a lot of wishes: an architecture office that could be transformed into a small exhibition space, a small lecture room or a place for parties, whilst also incorporating a hotel room to host visits from family and […]
Spatial impression of the district garden and the picnic area in the foreground We took the wish of the competition’s organizers, the Richard Krajicek Foundation (RKF) – to involve the surrounding buildings as closely as possible in the design of the playground – literally and picked a typical apartment from a building in the neighborhood, […]
Imagine a project that does not need to be constructed, because – being a tree – it grows by itself. Such a project only needs to be planted. Therefore the transportation of the materials for such a project is very energy efficient, because as a matter of fact, no major transportation of materials is actually […]
Scenario 1 This proposal for The Art Fund Pavilion, is based on the principles of origami techniques. But instead of using one piece of paper, the entire surface of the site in front of the Lightbox is being used and divided into 125 almost identical triangular pieces of plywood that can be assembled playfully to […]